Thanks for sharing that story. Your choice of "courage" is excellent and I wish you well with it throughout the year.
My words this year are deliberately beginning with the letter C, as are the three words that have guided me for many years in general. My general words being "curiosity", "contradiction", and "curation".
What a lovely story and a perfect world. I have two- Joy and investment. Joyful is a feeling I’d like to experience in daily life, finding joy every day, no matter how small and investment means making time to spend on my art and writing. X
I love the story about the tree. What came to mind for me was, sometimes everything in your life needs to be uprooted in order for you to land back on your feet and to flourish again. A timely message for me indeed. 🤍 Thank you for sharing. Side note, I have the word courage tattooed on my foot. I took the word of the year too seriously I guess at some point 😂 it’s now my word for life.
Hi Clementine, I have another 'C' word too. My word is 'calm'
I love your word choice. I used to associate courage with being fearless, then I came across a description of the word as 'being scared but doing it anyway' and I have resonated with that word ever since.
That's a brilliant choice! I love that. This year, the word that came to me is FUN! It was the first word I ever spoke and definitely something I need more of in my life.
Thanks for sharing that story. Your choice of "courage" is excellent and I wish you well with it throughout the year.
My words this year are deliberately beginning with the letter C, as are the three words that have guided me for many years in general. My general words being "curiosity", "contradiction", and "curation".
In other news, I want to go to Kew again now!
I love your word of the year. Courage a great word to take with you through the year.
My word for 2025 is Wellbeing.
What a lovely story and a perfect world. I have two- Joy and investment. Joyful is a feeling I’d like to experience in daily life, finding joy every day, no matter how small and investment means making time to spend on my art and writing. X
I love the story about the tree. What came to mind for me was, sometimes everything in your life needs to be uprooted in order for you to land back on your feet and to flourish again. A timely message for me indeed. 🤍 Thank you for sharing. Side note, I have the word courage tattooed on my foot. I took the word of the year too seriously I guess at some point 😂 it’s now my word for life.
Hi Clementine, I have another 'C' word too. My word is 'calm'
I love your word choice. I used to associate courage with being fearless, then I came across a description of the word as 'being scared but doing it anyway' and I have resonated with that word ever since.
That's a brilliant choice! I love that. This year, the word that came to me is FUN! It was the first word I ever spoke and definitely something I need more of in my life.
I love your word for 2025 ❤️🌿✨